This recipe takes the classic American ice cream and turns it into simple, festive bars. They start with a no-bake chocolate cookie crust that gets topped...
For this velvety, sweet ice cream with a subtle but throat-tickling kick, the chef Fany Gerson draws inspiration from her favorite honey ice cream recipe,...
It's not Christmas in a Puerto Rican household without coquito, a deeply creamy coconut and rum cocktail. Coquito recipes vary widely, but most include...
The chef Michel Richard spends most of his waking hours running from his French-California restaurant, Citrus, in Los Angeles, to his three less-ambitious...
This refreshing dessert - the only one this week that doesn't involve cooking fruit -- is like a pick-me-up after a rich dinner. Oranges are not only a...
This luxurious ice cream is the ideal balance of sweet yet salty and rich yet light. It's custard-based, which means you have to separate a lot of eggs...
Wait to make this until good strawberries are available, because this fool-proof method lets their flavor and texture really shine through. Tangy from...
A proper Italian gelato di crema is sort of like vanilla ice cream, only in place of vanilla, you infuse the milk with a modest grating or shaving of lemon...
This recipe, adapted from "La Bonne Cuisine de Madame E. Saint-Ange," asks you to zest and juice six oranges, but that's the most effort you'll have to...
The texture of this ice cream is better than almost any commercial ice cream, many of which are filled with air (at least when the ice cream is fresh,...
Very popular a few years ago, goat cheese ice cream deserves bringing back to the fore. The goat cheese supplies a tang similar to the flavor of cheesecake....
Rich, creamy and deeply satisfying, there is nothing better than a classic custard ice cream. Sometimes called French-style, this base incorporates eggs,...